Wednesday, May 6, 2009



So this is just a little update about what I have been doing.

The past few weeks have been super busy doing research. Yesterday (Tuesday) was my last day of doing field research. I spent the day at an all day workshop on land grabbing with an organization called LEMU (Land equity movement in Uganda). It was great.

Anywho, now I am just working on the my research findings and hopefully I will finish by Monday when the paper is due! lol I know this update is wack but I'm tired...forgive me :)


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Hey everyone,

Just wanted to update you all on what Ive been doing. These past 2 weeks(?) have been super hectic for me because I am now doing my practicum/ISP. After my meeting with UWOPA I was able to have one interview with a female MP, which was awesome. After much calling around and etc. I was able to arrange a meeting with another honorable. It was so funny I thought she was just giving me the run around when she told me to call back tomorrow...and I especially was sad when I called her at 11am and her phone was off. Thankfully I stayed @ parliament and she later called me at about 12:30 and told me to meet her because she was taking me to lunch and then we could do the interview. Talk about good luck! Anywho, while I was with her another honorable, who I had previously contacted, called me and told me that we should meet soon so I could interview her as well.

I interviewed both women and got some really neat information. Then on Monday (this week) I had an interview with a Male MP who is also the leader of the opposition party. He was really nice and gave me some good info. too. Anyways, I still have more interviews that I will be conducting this week...about 4....and then I think Ill start doing other things.

Well, still enjoying life in Uganda. Talk later Bye

P.s. none of my pics will load onto flickr for some reason...but there are about 3 new pics on there. :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Guess what....!!!!!

Hey everyone!

Life these past few weeks in Uganda has been very very busy but also very very exciting!
Last weekend I visited my host family. We went to visit my host sister Leirah (Leila) at her boarding school St. Lawrence. It was my first time seeing her since she went away to school 4 weeks ago…so I really enjoyed seeing her. Her school is really nice it looks like a college campus no-lie. I took a couple of pictures which ill upload at some point in time.

This week (Monday to Wednesday) I was busy with my organization. We traveled to Lira, which is in Northern Uganda for a training-dialogue for women in government. Most of the women who attended the session were district chairwomen – so not involved in parliament but listening to them describe the challenges they face while campaigning and how they circumvent the challenges was so awesome. I really love my organization they are all so friendly and make me feel like I’ve been part of the team forever. For instance on the way up we stopped to buy snacks on the road – and they had me try roasted cassava (which is good), roasted plantain and meat on a stick! Then during the dialogue they had me take the pictures during and man the microphone. This may seem like small things but it’s these little things that make a person feel wanted and needed in a host organization. Anyways it was highly enjoyable and I do have pictures from this amazing workshop. *P.S. the former MP Miria Matembe who started my org. is so nice and listening to her tell stories about her time in parliament is so awesome – hearing her speak is enough to make anyone want to join politics! Lol

In a random case of good-luck?? I bumped into Sharon Stone, the actress, who is here with an organization called Dropinthebucket that digs wells. She has become really interested in poverty in Africa…. Especially how it impacts girls education. She was interesting to meet but I didn’t get a picture because I’m a dork 

Anywho, when I got back to Kampala my organization took me to a meeting with UWOPA (Uganda Women’s parliamentary Association). The meeting was about women in post-conflict situations and how female MPs and NGOs can work together to improve their lives. The meeting was really nice and I used the opportunity to collect the information of some female MPs I hope to interview in the future.

Oh yeah…so yesterday was Easter Sunday and I visited my host family for the day. They rented out a small place and all the family came and ate good food, listened to good music and etc. It was nice  But what was not so nice was the fact that my camera decided to mess up!! Seriously guys why do I have such bad luck with cameras?? Anywho what happened was the lens kept sticking and then the memory card lost all my data and then finally stopped working all together. The good thing is that all my pictures were safely backed up on my computer. I know think it is best that I spend some serious time in an internet cafĂ© and try to upload all my pics….just in case my computer deciedes it hates me too (Tufiakwa). Anyways I looked up tech support and found out that I had two problems…number one is that my memory card was corrupted and so I had to buy a new one (thankfully the price was reasonable at $20) the second problem is that my lens is messing up. The only way I can fix this one is to send it in when I get home  But the guy who sold me a memory card said it should be okay until I get home…so Ill still be taking pictures.

That’s pretty much all that been happening in my life.

Siiba bulungi (Have a good day)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dears! I'm an independent woman!!

hey all - this post will not have any caps since the keyboard im using is extra weird.

Anyways....I just finished getting my hair done it took nine hours but it was well worth the wait. These braids are the tiniest things you'll ever see and im so excited that it only cost me 18 bucks!! That price includes washing my hair, the actual hair and the three women who braided my hair!! Ahh the joys of Uganda :)

Anyways! I started my practicum/ISP on March 30 (or whatever day was Monday). I am working at an organization called the centre for women in governance. It was started by a former female MP named Miria Matemebe and basically what they hope to do is to ensure that the women who elected into government positions are empowered to work on the behalf of women in Uganda.

The organization is relatively new (about 2 years old) but it has already done so much! They have published 3 reports on the actual work of women in gov. and are currently working on creating a training manual for women in government and those women who are interested in joining politics. next week we are going to Lira (northern Uganda) to hold a workshop with womein government up there to brainstorm ideas for the training manual. Then the following week ill be going to Bushenyi (eastern Uganda) to do the same there.

Im am currently working on my ISP as well. Ive been researching land rights in Uganda and composing questions for interviews with parliamentarians. Im hoping that I get the chance to either interview or network with female MPs when I travel to both Lira and Bushenyi.

In other news.... ive moved out of my home stay house. No it was not because I did not like my home stay family....its becuase the program rules state that you can't live with your host family during practicum. I think its b/c they want us to experience different aspects of life in Uganda. Right now im living in a hostel that is located right near the university. Its a nice place...ill take pictures and post them when i get the chance. Anywho since i am now living on my own (minus all the kids from my program who decided to stay in Kampala) I feel like an independent woman. I cook dinner (with all the other kids) and have to negotiate my way around town.

Funny story but not really --- To get to my internship I have to take two different taxis going in two different ways. I didn't want to be late so i decided to take a diff. taxi that leaves my neighborhood. I thought this taxi was going to take me to my stop but once i got on it turned around and went some funky short cut. i was really getting worried but finally i heard the name of my stage (or bus stop). I decided to get down. But when i got out i had no clue how to get to the next stage which is where i pick the taxi that takes me to work. Thankfully im not shy at asking directions so i asked and finally made my way to the stage. i was extra late to work (oops) but now i know that if my taxi is running late....just wait the other way is def. longer and more confusing.

Alright - ill post more next week after ive returned from my trip to lira


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Where has the time gone!!!????!!!!

Hey everyone!

I feel like its been weeks since I last posted on here. Here are a few updates on what I have been doing:

As part of my study abroad program, I am going to be doing either an ISP (Independent Study Project) or Practicum (basically an internship). I have chosen to do a combination of the two. Anyhow, two weeks ago I was busy meeting with my AD Martha to discuss my idea and meeting with some people who could make my ISP/practicum dream a reality.

Last week (the true reason I’m blogging today) was a week long excursion to Eastern Uganda. On Sunday we all piled into 3 vans and traveled 4 hours away from Kampala to the eastern city of Mbale. But before reaching Jinja we passed over the Nile River! Unfortunately we didn’t know that we couldn’t take pictures at this particular site (due to there being some government buildings there) and so we were delayed by some army men who wanted to take one of the kids on the program to the army barracks! After about 10 minutes of intense discussion the army men decided to let us go so long as we deleted the pictures taken from our camera.

The next day we visited the TASO Mbale site (TASO is a nationwide organization for Aids patients in Uganda) and the Child Restoration Organization (CRO), an organization for street children. We first went to the CRO where we learned about the work of the organization. Basically what they do is they take in street children aged 5 to 18. They provide education, health education, counseling and etc. to the kids before attempting to resettle them with family members or foster families from their community. An interesting fact about some of the street kids is that some come from Kenya (Mbale is basically a border town) but the CRO takes them in nonetheless. We then toured the facility: I saw some kids in class, the kitchen where they cook the children’s food and the playground that receives much love from the kids!

After visiting the CRO we then visited TASO Mbale. Like the CRO we started our visit to TASO Mbale by having the director of the facility explain the history and mission of the organization. After listening to his lecture we went outside where the TASO Mbale music/dance group performed some songs/skits on issues like family planning, staying safe and etc. They were so good. By the time they did two songs we had a very big crowd of kids and adults who also decided to listen in. At the end of their performance we were asked to dance with them and I’m proud to say that we “danced very well”

On Tuesday we traveled to Sipi Falls. We slept in very nice log cabins and hiked to a really pretty waterfall. Ever mindful of my camera (my last one broke at a waterfall site) I wisely choose not to trek down to the waterfall but instead enjoyed the view. That next afternoon we traveled to Busia (another town in Eastern Uganda) and our rural home stay!

We were all partnered up and sent out to various home stays in rural villages around Busia town. Hopefully the pictures will post so you can see…but I basically slept in this really neat hut for three nights and got to experience life in a very rural African village. My only regret from my rural home stay is that I got sick on the last day because it got really cold at night and I didn’t have adequate clothing or bedding. What I really enjoyed about my rural home stay was meeting the local women’s representative for the LC1 (the smallest level of government) and playing soccer with my host siblings.

After our stay in the rural home stay. We traveled to Buyengo where one of our directors is from and camped out at their family home. That night we had an amazing dance party and lots of people from the area came to dance with us. It was sooo much fun!!! I wish I had pictures but my camera was dead (lack of electricity for 3 days) and so I only have my memories.

On the way back to Kampala we stopped at this resort on the Nile and so we finally got to take legal pictures of the Nile. Yay lol.

Anyways, I’m back at my urban home stay in Kampala now. It’s my last week with my family before I move to a hostel to begin my practicum. So this week will be very hectic as I not only try to register for classes back home but also try to tie together the last strings for my ISP/practicum.

5 Things I love about Uganda!
I love the weather – not too hot and not too cold
I love the food – Matooke is great. I eat it everyday by choice!!
I love being able to walk around Kampala with a sense of familiarity
I love learning Luganda and speaking it with my home stay family (Muli Mutya! How are ya’ll)
I love love love the music – my favorite songs are: Yoyo, Zuena, Bbusu and etc.

5 Things I don’t love about Uganda…
When I come up with one I’ll let you know…lol

***Okay I meant to upload this blog on Monday but I couldn't until today. I don't have much time to write but I do want to say that today I visited the Ugandan parliament and got to sit in on a session of parliament. It was sooo amazing! Ill try to post a blog about that experience later. Tata for now

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pictures Pictures Pictures!!!

Hey Everyone!

I finally gave up on trying to post pictures to this blog. Instead I have re-opened my Flickr account and have uploaded a few pictures to that website. Here is the link:

Look in the future for more pics from my time in Uganda in the same set.

Other than the pictures everything is going well. Today I had my ACTL test in Luganda. I was surprised at how much Luganda I was able to understand and speak! In the next few days I will learn what I was rated (novice low, novice mid or high). Next Sunday I will be going to Jinja (another town in Uganda) which is exciting.

Last week was my first time taking the taxi home instead of riding home with my host mom. The first time was an adventure since I kept having to ask for directions from boda-boda men (they drive people around on motorcycles). But I eventually found my way and succesfully made my way home.

Alright hope ya'll enjoy the pics

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My trip to Rwanda

Hey Everyone!

Sorry it’s been so long since I last updated my blog but I was on a week long excursion to eastern Uganda and Rwanda, and so access to the internet was very difficult.

Anywho, I really enjoyed my time in western Uganda and Rwanda. While in western Uganda I was staying in Mbarara (President Museveni’s home town) and my group and I visited one of the 12 millennium village sites that are in sub-Saharan Africa. The one in Uganda is located in Isingiro district and started in 2006. During the visit we got to see one of the local primary schools that benefited from energy-efficient stoves, the village bank (that urges community groups to establish bank accounts), an environmental organization, and the community hospital. The hospital was the best part of the trip to me. I have some pictures from my visit (hopefully they post).

We stayed in Mbarara for 2 days and then journeyed to Rwanda. Rwanda has really made strides towards development (at least in its capital city) since the 1994 genocide and this fact is most noticeable through the quality of its roads. While in Rwanda we visited the Kigali memorial center which documents the history of the genocide. Outside the center is about 5 mass graves that surviving relatives place flowers on. Inside is a museum type exhibit. Going through the history of the genocide is really sad and frustrating – especially since the “ethnic groups” were created by the colonists. Beyond that realizing the culpability of international players was disheartening. The saddest portion was the last exhibit. The door to this room has a dedication to the children victims of the genocide who would have been the countries future leaders. Reading about the horrendous ways some of these children died was just horrible. After going through the memorial I bought a view book and so if anyone wants a better glimpse into what the genocide was about and what the memorial documents just let me know when I return home.

After 2 days in Rwanda we went back to Mbarara for one night before returning to our home stays.

Okay on to other news:
Nancy – Uganda is an amazing country and I am so happy to be here. I’ve only gotten a slight stomach upset so far but I think I’m being pretty cautious so I doubt Ill get sick. And if I do I will definitely go straight to the hospital --- no need to repeat past mistakes! So far the mosquitoes here have not been as bad as the ones in Nicaragua. But I think that’s because the rainy season has not really started.

Having fun in Uganda is just like having fun in America. All the youths (people our age) go to clubs/dancehalls or concerts on the weekend. An interesting fact about there clubs is that all the people dance in front of mirrors. At first I thought it was weird but it’s grown on me and last time I went out I found myself dancing in the mirror!!! Also, they love to play 90s music or music from even earlier decades. But its all good.

Okay, I think this post is long enough. Hopefully the pictures will post successfully!!

The pictures have not been uploading. But ill try later on today!